Free Instant Valuation

OneDome's Instant Valuation tool provides a valuation and rental estimate for properties in England and Wales within a given range, powered by Hometrack, the UK's residential property intelligence and data specialist. Simply enter the property details and register for a free OneDome account to view your results and a corresponding Locality Reality score and property newsfeed.
Please enter postcode
Please enter postcode
Property type
Mid terrace house
End terrace house
Semi detached house
Detached house
Converted flat
Purpose built flat
Mid terrace bungalow
End terrace bungalow
Semi detached bungalow
Detached bungalow
Approx size
sq ft

When was the property last refurbished?
Less than year ago
1-5 years ago
5-10 years ago
10-15 years ago
15 years or older
Level of refurbishment:
Full renovation
Extension / loft conversion
Cosmetic works
Minor works
Reason for valuation?
Selling only
Selling and buying
Buying only
Rent it out
The OneDome instant online property valuation tool is intended to provide an estimated value range only. We will never spam you or share your details with third parties.
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