Selling your home?

Lenton Abbey, Beeston, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire

Lenton Abbey is a vibrant and diverse community situated in Beeston, Nottingham. Located close to the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University, it provides a great base for students and professionals alike. With its many amenities, including shops, restaurants, pubs, and parks, Lenton Abbey is a great place to live.

The area has plenty of green spaces, such as Beeston Fields and Beeston Marina, providing plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities. There are also numerous shops, cafes, and restaurants, making it easy to find something to suit any taste. The area is well connected to Nottingham city centre with good transport links and plenty of bus and tram routes.

Overall, Lenton Abbey is a great place to live. With its close proximity to the universities, range of amenities, and good transport links, it is an ideal choice for a variety of lifestyles and budgets.

Area Stats

Average value of properties for sale in Lenton Abbey, Beeston, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire: £210,000

Average value of:
  • Terraced house for sale in Lenton Abbey, Beeston, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire: £200,000